Sunday, September 27, 2009


So last night I was up with a sick little Ki. The whole time I was praying that the Lord would make him better and take his fever away. While this was taking place I was comforted by the words, "The Lord never gives us more then we can handle." Yes, I realize that Ki being a little feverish is not a huge deal but the words rang so true and comforting to my soul that I started thinking of all the things in my life that I have come through and He was there every step!
I think of the simplest things, a long work day; to some of the bigger things, being paralyzed... from the day to day to the year to year. I am confident that my God does not fall asleep, He does not slip off the throne, He does not turn a deaf ear.
Whatever the day holds know that our Lord sees you fit to handle it. Of course we want to handle it gracefully and come out with perfect looking hair, however sometimes struggles knock us to the floor and we cannot even stand after coming through on the other side.
Some of our struggles may look like mountains, some like a desert, and some like a heavily treed forest. We often stand on one side of that struggle thinking, "There is no way to summit, cross, and no way to survive." Rest and know that our Heavenly Father is there and He is confident that the mountain, desert or forest will not kill you but make you stronger.