Saturday, June 12, 2010

Some Days

There are very few days that I get a chance to lay around the house and do absolutely nothing.  When those days come along, like today - I sit here thinking, "There is something I surely should be doing!"  What is up with that?  My boys are sitting down stairs with their daddy listening to music, the rain is falling, the house is picked up, and here I sit.  I will say that it is so nice to be able to sit here but why can't I allow myself the opportunity without feeling guilty?  Mentally I am thinking, I have a load of laundry in the dryer to fold, a load in the washer to get moved over, I did not make my bed this morning, my carpets could use a vacuuming, and I really should scrub the upstairs bathrooms, haven't done that since last week.  Sakes alive!  I do have to pat myself on the back though, cause I am sitting here on the computer rather than doing all those things, so I guess that is my way of enjoying the quiet afternoon. 
Another thing that hit me today is... my babies are growing up!  There are days that I look at Zeke and still that cute pudgy little boy that he was two years ago.  Ki is growing up so fast as well!  I think being that he has Zeke to catch up with it feels like he is growing faster.  Today Ki realized that he can go down the stairs on his hinney rather than on his belly like he has been doing for a while now.  It was sure funny though, I think the first hinney step he took was an accident and then we figured it out and he kept doing laps up and down the stairs.  Michael got in on the action as well, Ki and Michael had hinney bumping stair races - he sure is a good daddy!
Although it is chilly outside (yes we just had stinking hot weather this week and now it is 54 and rainy) I am grateful!  Michael was supposed to work today, but due to the weather they were called off today - Yeah!  I have to remind myself that we are very happy to have a job that pays for everything that we have and do but there are days that the long work hours and long work weeks can wear on our family, so I am very happy for the dreary weather.  Being that it is dreary out, I have the crock pot cooking a roast for dinner and I am planning on making some chocolate chip cookies.  Some times the dreary weather is a welcome guest in my home, it means that we get to hang out in lounging clothes all day, watch movies and snack with no guilt!
With that, I am off to get my lounging pants on (had to run an errand and didn't want to go in pjs) and snuggle on the couch with my boys and watch a movie and maybe even catch a few shut eye moments.