Sunday, October 9, 2011


So when we got back from San Diego I posted pictures but I had a few thoughts from our trip that hit me while I was there and only now am I taking the time to write it down. 
One thought I had while in San Diego... there are no stinking parks there.  On Thursday we headed out after nap time to try and go to a park for the boys to ride their jeep that my dad bought and we drove past two parks and all of them were charged entrance and then we wound up at a park in Carlsbad and my parents live in Vista.  As we were driving around to find a park I was thinking, "Man, we are not in Littleton!"  For those of you that have not been to my house you would not know this but we have three parks within walking distance from our home... we don't even have to get into the car to go to the park.
Another thought from San Diego... When we landed in San Diego I had to run to Target to get some baby food for Riah.  We stopped in Escondido at the Target off of the 15 and while in Target I was hit with the reality that I am not in Littleton any more.  Living in Littleton is definitely a "white cracker" place, don't get me wrong there is color in our people and there are other languages in town but it is not the norm to say the least.  Escondido Target... well it is not Littleton!
My last San Diego thought... Traffic... need I say more?  Don't worry I will expand on my thought but those that have been in San Diego knows exactly what I am talking about.  Tuesday I took my mom's car and piled my boys in.  That is a feat in itself.  My mom drive a little Toyota Yaris two door.  So I have three car seats and then myself... tight!  We left Vista at noon and had to take the 78 and then get onto the 5 and get off in Mission Beach.  The drive was rough, traffic, stupid drivers, one crying baby, a screaming toddler and a talking child, oh yeah and a little rain.  That was just driving down to Mission Beach, driving back was a lot like driving down but then add an emergency pull over due to explosive pants by a toddler... picture it - I pulled over to a empty parking lot found a cardboard box and laid Ki down on it to change his underwear, pants, and socks.  Phew! 
So, although I loved living in San Diego years ago... I am officially and permanently in love with Littleton!