Saturday, November 28, 2009

Headed to San Diego

I am very excited to be headed to San Diego. It has been a year since I was in San Diego and it will be so nice to see family. I am excited for my family to get to meet Ki for the first time too. I sure hope that Ki will go to other people though. Ki is a momma's boy and is usually not to open to meeting new people. I guess that is the one down fall to being a full time stay at home mom - Ki really is only around me and is leery of meeting new people. I am excited for Zeke to get to meet my cousins Nick and Brad because I think Zeke will have a blast playing with them. I also am hoping that my dad will get a chance to take Zeke to play some place, even if it is just to the beach. I know that my dad is really looking forward to it, but I am afraid that he is going to be too busy with wedding stuff. We shall see I guess! The one thing that I really want to do is get a picture of my boys with my great grandma Talone. Three years ago when Michael and I were getting married Grandma Talone was saying she wasn't sure if she would make it to our wedding, then she said she wasn't sure if she would get to meet her first great-great grandson, now she has two great-great grandsons and I can't wait to capture that!
Well in five days we will be in San Diego! I sure hope that it is nice weather for my sisters wedding. However, whatever the weather is going to be like I am sure I am going to have to unpack our shorts to bring with us... we have become accustomed to the colder weather and yesterday it was low sixties and we were walking around in short sleeve shirts and pants and were stinking hot! Funny how your body acclimatizes. This summer it got up to 80 one day and I was telling Michael it was too hot for me to do anything! I think that was just my excuse for being lazy, but I did think it was funny how I was thinking it was miserably hot!
Hope to see many of you while in San Diego! I think we are going to try and make church service at Maranatha on Sunday the 6th... not sure which service!