Monday, December 20, 2010

One day at a time

Today the realization that I have to take my lovely stay here to the Swedish one day at a time hit me hard this morning. Every day presents itself with something new. Today marks one week since my admittance and therefore, one day at a time will get me through the remaining stay. No matter how much I try to sleep in... That does not happen. I fall sleep around nine thirty and wake before six. I am sleeping soundly with the help of a chamomile pill, so I know my body is getting what it needs as far as quality but a longer time frame I think sometimes may help the days pass a little easier. Being the schedule person that I am I still ask the nurse every morning if there is anything on my schedule for the day, yesterday was blood draw so I think today is an "off" day where I don't have anything. I find myself looking forward to any chance of getting out of the room or having new news about baby or myself, not that it will really change the outlook of my stay here, but it is something to think about other than the long days. When it was confirmed that I would become a long term patient I was move from close to the nurse station to the other side of the hall, a nicer room most definitely and quieter and I appreciated it for the first few days, however there are times during the day that a little nurse chattering might be welcome.
Today Michael is going to try and work a full day and our neighbor is going to watch the boys. I am glad for Michael that he will be able to get out of the house and get some of his work done, I think his not working has really been weighing on him. I know that he has enjoyed being home with the boys but I think his need to do something else for a few days has been there since last Thursday. Michael has truly been a super hero during this time. Last night he called me as he was cleaning up the house and doing laundry, granted they have to get done, but he is doing it all and I have not heard any complaints... Well other than to say that the boys have too many clothes - to which I simply chuckled and said, there are weeks we go through a good portion of them. This stay, in just this week has given me such an appreciation for Michael! I am a blessed woman, there is no question in my mind. He truly is pulling all the weight of the family and holding it all together like a super hero... My super hero.